ICCA 2022 Abstract submission
Submit your abstracts of scientific work for a chance to become a member of the international faculty at ICCA. Accepted abstracts will be presented during eposter session.
Registration for presenting authors will be at a reduced price.
Submission deadline: May 30, 2022.
Please refer to submission requirements below. The scientific committee will review the cases and abstracts after the submission deadline,
and you will receive an e-mail with further instructions.
Please note that ICCA does not cover your travel and hotel expenses for the meeting.
Please include the full names of all authors, institution, city, state, country in your submission, and state the name, address, phone/fax, and e-mail address of the corresponding author at the bottom of the page.
Please follow the guidelines below:
- The entire abstract should not exceed more than 500 words
- Keep the text informative and succinct
- State specific object of study and purpose
- State method and sources used
- Summarize results obtained
- State conclusions reached